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Options for Churches Seeking Audits or Other Accountability Measures
Churches desiring to employ an audit or other accountability measure with respect to their financial operations may opt for various approaches, depending on their size, scope, and complexity. Audits and other financial accountability activities are conducted either ...
Annual Inflation Update
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Church Finance: The Church Leader’s Guide to Financial Operations

“It all starts with mission and purpose.” These opening words by author Mike Batts sum up the proper role of financial administration in the church. Financial administration is a critically important and unique calling. Church Finance: The Church Leader’s Guide to Financial Operations provides you with the information and resources to successfully lead your church’s financial operations in keeping with your church’s unique…

Nonprofit Finance: The Field Guide for Financial Operations of Ministries, Schools, and Other Public Charities

Financial administration is a critically important and foundational element of a sound and healthy nonprofit. If done poorly, every day can bring a new emergency or crisis, which can impair the credibility of the organization’s message or impede its ability to carry out its mission effectively. That said, Mike Batts’ Nonprofit Finance: The Field Guide for Financial Operations of Ministries, Schools, and…

Nonprofit Financial Oversight – The Concise and Complete Guide for Boards and Finance Committees

Nonprofit Financial Oversight is designed to serve as a resource for nonprofit board members, officers, finance committee members, audit committee members, and anyone else with financial oversight responsibilities in a nonprofit organization.

Special features of the book include sample policies, a sample finance committee charter, audit committee guidelines, and an annual board financial oversight checklist. The checklist serves as an annual checkup to…

Board Member Orientation: The Concise and Complete Guide to Nonprofit Board Service

Serving on a nonprofit board can be an incredibly rewarding experience for the properly prepared board member. This book is for the generous and busy people who agree to give of their time and talents by serving on nonprofit boards. Nonprofit boards often fail to do a good job of board member orientation for a variety of reasons. It takes a…

BMWL Sample Policies, Whitepapers, and Other Resources

The resources listed below are available exclusively to BMWL clients upon request. If you are a BMWL client, please request a copy of any of the titles listed below.

  1. Foreign Grantmaking Whitepaper
  2. Personal Use of Employer Owned Vehicles Whitepaper
  3. Sample Capitalization Policy
  4. Sample Conflicts of Interest Policy
  5. Sample Intellectual Property Policy
  6. Sample Gift Acceptance Policy
  7. Sample Policy Regarding Joint Ventures with For-Profit Entities
  8. Key Data Security Risk Management Questions for Nonprofit Leaders Whitepaper
  9. Racial Nondiscrimination Requirements for Tax-Exempt Private Schools under Federal Tax Law Whitepaper
  10. Sample Spousal Travel Policy
  11. Sample Policy on Dishonesty, Fraud, and Whistleblower Protection
  12. Sample Record Retention Policy
  13. Quid Pro Quo Contributions Whitepaper
  14. Sample Donor Privacy Policy
  15. Sample Grant Procedures Template for Grants to Individuals or Organizations
  16. Sample Policy for Short-Term Mission Trips and Mission Field Assessment Visits
  17. Religious Publishing Activities Whitepaper
  18. Sample Executive Compensation-Setting Policy
  19. Qualified Sponsorship Payments Whitepaper
  20. Sample Travel and Expense Reimbursement Policy
  21. Private Operating Foundation Whitepaper
  22. Various Contribution Acknowledgment Samples
  23. Foreign Earned Income Whitepaper
  24. Sample Master Grant Agreement for Grants to Individuals or Organizations
  25. Synopsis of Self-Dealing Prohibitions Applicable to Private Foundations
  26. Sample Spending Policy for Endowments and Similar Funds
  27. Accountable Plan Whitepaper
  28. BMWL Recommended Compensation Data Sources
  29. Criteria for Excluding Educational Benefits from an Employee's Wages Whitepaper
  30. New Clean Energy Tax Benefits Available to Nonprofits
  31. Internal Financial Audit Checklist for Small Churches
  32. Internal Financial Audit Checklist for Small Nonprofit Organizations
  33. Deputized Fundraising, Restricted Donations, and Designated Net Assets – Tax and Accounting Considerations Whitepaper
  34. Sample Changes to Payee Electronic Payment Accounts Policy
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